Lumberjanes: Beware the Kitten Holy by Shannon Watters, Grace Ellis, Noelle Stevenson and Brooklyn Allen: a review

The last book I read got pretty heavy towards the end. I knew that I needed something a little more light and refreshing to make me feel better. I was in my local library where there was a “read with pride” section, and this book was on there. The art style was sweet, and it seemed to have a sort of ‘Hilda’ type energy to it, so I picked it up.
            Lumberjanes: Beware the Kitten Holy by Shannon Watters, Grace Ellis, Noelle Stevenson and Brooklyn Allen follows a group of girls who are all Lumberjanes, a scout-like group where they go on adventures and earn badges. They’re a group of lovable rogues who often find themselves getting into some sort of mishap.
            I love the formatting; the way each chapter starts with a section from the ‘Lumberjanes Manual’ is a really great way to do an introduction.
            I think the dynamic between the girls works super well. They all play off each other, but they remain unique in their characterisation. There’s also a natural diversity between them. Their body types and race all differ from each other, but that’s never brought up in the text, only the art. The diversity works in a way that accurately reflects real life. I rarely talk to my friends and discuss how different and diverse we are from one another, but we are all different. It works really well.
            I rather stormed through this graphic novel, and now I know that I must find more from this series. Every second was brilliant, and I know there’s so much more fun to be had. I feel like if you like Hilda, then you’ll love this. I absolutely recommend this book.
            I feel like I should start doing ratings, rather than just saying whether or not I recommend a book or not. What do you guys think? Also, how do you think I should do the rating? I’m leaning towards a simple “— out of 10” system. I’d love to hear your opinion. Also, don’t forget, if you guys get my previous review to 200 views, then I’ll be reading the onion boy’s second book. As of me publishing this, the view count is at 87. You have until February 29th as I’ll be checking the results on the 1st March.
