Paddington by Michael Bond

You’ll be seeing a lot of me writing about kids’ books in the near future. I need to read them for my university Writing Project, and they all go towards having read 50 books, so they all get a review. None of them will be particularly long, in-fact, there will definitely be one or two double features coming up.
            I’m not particularly nostalgic for Paddington, but I grew up hearing about him all the time because my mum loves him. I’m honestly a little surprised that my mum never had any of the books for me to read as a kid.
            The illustrations in this book are so damn sweet. If Paddington wasn’t cute enough in the prose, the drawings really just make him the cutest little bear in the world.

            I never really realised just how small Paddington is. Judy Brown, the family daughter, appears to be maybe 11 at most, and she stands a whole head over the little bear. I am absolutely in love with the little guy.
            I do actually now want to find and read more Paddington books. Is that a little bit sad for a 20-year old to say? Probably, but that’s no matter. I am going to say that I recommend this book, but mostly to people with kids or maybe younger relatives. I think it would be fantastic for young growing minds.
