Shades of A and Shades After by Tab Kimpton: a review

I have read the first part of this online, but it was while I was in my first year of uni, so there’s only so much of it that I can remember. I’ve read rather a lot since then. I meant to buy this edition with both parts when Tab Kimpton came to do a talk at uni, and then again on a trip to Manchester at the beginning of Summer, but it took me until comic con at the end of Summer to actually get myself a copy.
            Shades of A follows Anwar. His friend (and ex), JD, takes him to a kink club where he meets Chris, who is “Mr Red Vixen” in the club. The book shows how Chris and Anwar’s relationship grows, and explores many areas of sexuality and gender; Anwar is a-sexual, Chris is a cross-dresser, JD uses they/them pronouns, and there is a look into aspects of the kink community. This book is intended for mature audiences.
            I have previously reviewed books by Kimpton, so you know I love their art style. Check out my double feature to see examples of their work.
            “I think I accidentally had a first date” is such a wonderfully sweet line. The scene that it refers to is absolutely fantastic. I have accidentally been on a date myself, so I really appreciated how awkwardly cute this was. I feel lovely and soft throughout most of this book, and this scene is one of the pinnacles of this.
            Communication being a key part of a healthy relationship is such a key part of this book. I adore how much this is a part of every aspect. Anwar’s happiness depends on him voicing his a-sexuality, and communication is key when enjoying any form of kink. Chris and Anwar also have an open relationship, and it would not be successful without communication.
            The exploration of a-sexuality in this book is absolutely stunning. There are many people who have the opinion that a romantic relationship isn’t possible without sex, and this can make a-sexual people struggle with coming to terms with their sexuality. It can also make a-sexual folk struggle to enter relationships. Tab Kimpton handles all of this so well.
            There were so many parts of Shades of A that brought me to tears. Sometimes I cried with joy, other times with sadness, but this book is brilliant at making me very emotional.
            The little extras at the end are absolutely fantastic. I especially love the bit from the point of view of Poof the cat, but I do have a soft spot for him. If anyone wants to buy me the sticker from Kimpton’s site, I’ll love you forever.
            I absolutely recommend this book. I recommend this especially to those in the LGBTQ+ community that feel that they’re on the fringes of this community. Basically, if you fall in any way in the “+” then get your hands on this book. I’m sure you’ll love this book. If you aren’t able to purchase the book, Kimpton has the comic online.


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